How can you really determine your Twitter influence ?

Counting followers on Twitter is not important. You can have 10,000 followers who do  not interact with you at all whereas a person can have 100 followers who interact with them  and even click links that could lead into a sell. Counting followers on Twitter is like counting pennies – sure, they’ll add up, but how much are they really worth? Follower count doesn’t mean much unless it’s attached to other stats about how influential you are on Twitter, like how often you’re retweeted or replied to. Any Twitter veteran will tell you that follower count is just a number, what matters is the number of replies and retweets you get.

I am going to dive into five tools that can help you know your Twitter influence .Most of these influence measures take into consideration factors that include follow count, but also go far beyond it. While follower count can give you a brief at-a-glance view of how popular you are on Twitter, it does nothing to tell you how influential you are with those followers. The reality is that your 50 followers may be more valuable than somebody’s 50,000 followers.I am going to use my accounts in giving a brief description on each of them . IF  Here they are

1) Klout

Klout now shows your past interactions from your social networks that contribute to your score. As with most things in life Klout is not 100% accurate. However, it is accurate enough to indicate whether you are interactive, influential, and engaging in your networks. If you are active and engaging, and consistently put out strong content that others are receptive to, it will be reflected by your high Klout score. You can connect Klout to other networks eg Facebook, LinkedIn and many others. If you only use one influence measure, use Klout. Klout is the gold standard of Twitter influence measurement, and it is a great benchmark for anchoring the other influence measures in this list. If you dont have an account there you can sign up. You can even compare your friends scores against your. Check it out !!


2) PeerIndex

PeerIndex evaluates how much influence a person has developed across online social platforms, looking at three broad criteria: authority, audience and activity.Like Klout, it gives you a PeerIndex score out of 100 that is “a single measure of status” on Twitter. A number above 40 means you’re in the top 10% of Twitter users, and a number above 90 means you’re in the coveted 0.1% of Twitter influencers. Check it out by opening an account to know how you are fairing on

3 ) Retweet Rank

How it looks


How they summarize your statistics IF

I can say that Retweet rank is very simple to use but it is a good one and can give a good overview .The amount of times a Twitter account has been retweeted is calculated, and a number displayed based on the rank of that account. So, if you get a retweet rank of 50,000 for instance, that means you are the 50,000th most-retweeted person on Twitter. Check it out !!! IF

4 ) Twitalyzer.

I do not have an account with them because I was not able to sign up for one. They want me to pay for premium yet Klout is better than them and it is  free !! Lol…. But this is how it works . Just enter your Twitter username and Twitalizer will give you an influence number out of 10. If you’re curious about why you only got a 2.1 but you’ve got 15,000 followers, Twitalizer uses the following to measure your Twitter influence: number of followers; number of unique mentions; frequency of unique retweets; frequency that the user retweets; and frequency of tweets. Check it out !!!


5) Twitter Grader.

Sadly, It was hacked and no longer available. Once It is available I will keep in touch .

Research from the internet

Thanks for reading

The Next blog will be about how to get many followers and Apps you can use to manage your Twitter account.

Cyprian Nyakundi

3 thoughts on “How can you really determine your Twitter influence ?

  1. Pingback: How can you really determine your Twitter influence ? | calvinprincecarter's Blog

  2. Good one Nyakudih

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